A life without passion and enthusiasm is one only partially lived. We don't have to quit our day jobs to see the beauty in the world around us. While I admire the adventurous spirit of selling everything and moving away to live life to the fullest, I understand that isn't always the best approach for everyone. We have jobs. We have responsibilities. The challenge is to find your passions while living a 9-5 life, so that the 9-5 life isn't the one thing that defines you. We're all more than an occupation. Until we find those moments of joy, the things no matter how small, that bring us bits of true happiness, we will never feel fully alive or that we are doing anything more than functioning.
Ransom of the Healer is my moment of true happiness. When I am shut away in a room with nothing in front of me but a blank screen and an idea, I am happy. Sentences begin to appear and I am completely lost in the flurry of words that flow from my fingertips. Even if no one else appreciates or even enjoys my work, it's still my passion, my way of doing more than just existing. I hope everyone is able to find the things that make them truly happy, and hopefully, can find a moment of it in The Ransom Series. Live with passion, my fellow readers.